Here at Inspirasien, the patient
advocates or navigators, some of us are patients just like other patients. Patient advocates
also are family members of patients or both. We are not medical professionals, but are
(certified) caring individuals.
In order to support patient needs, patient advocates in Inspirasien have had share of
uncaring people [professionals and lay people alike] talk to me about patient health issues.
Patient advocates had to learn to stand up for their self, and advocate for what would be
the best treatment, even when they was sick, or hurting, or not in a good condition.
Frustrating? Burn out? Feeling like being ignored? Be calm, we hear you, we are
here for you. Our patient advocate will help you to go through. So, you had to contact us
and get your best benefit from our patient advocates in patient point of view.
Health psy counselor - sociopreneur
Clinical psy counselor
Patient Advocate Specialist
Hardware / Firmware, (web) programming
Patient Advocate - Copywriter
Patient Advocate - Digital Creator
Psy Counselor Patient Advocate
Patient Advocate - Radiographer
Menjadi platform penunjang kesehatan pasien yaitu pusat berbagi informasi kesehatan, inspirasi, motivasi, pendampingan psikologis, dan solusi kebutuhan pasien.